Black Seed Oil: What to Know About It

Assorted organic products including black seeds, oils in glass bottles, and a purple thistle flower on a rustic wooden surface.

Black seed oil is an herbal ingredient that’s been used in the treatment of a variety of illnesses for more than 2,000 years. It is derived from the seeds of the flowering Nigella sativa plant. Some people also call the seeds black cumin or black caraway.

This seed oil is believed to have numerous health benefits. It is available in both capsule and liquid form and can be used either orally or topically, depending on the condition you want it to help. People have used the oil as a way to help manage asthmaacnediabetes, and more.  

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Because numerous cultures have long used Nigella sativa for so many reasons—ranging from asthma to back pain—there has been much current-day research done on the plant and its oil. The studies have shown that there are many potentially effective benefits to reap from it.

Most of the health benefits seem to come from thymoquinone, a chemical compound in the plant.

Product label of Winvita Naturals' 'MineralProXII' dietary supplement containing Sea Moss, Black Seed Oil, Ashwagandha, and Burdock Root, highlighting multiple health benefits including supporting thyroid function, promoting digestive health, improving cognitive function, supporting cardiovascular health, skin and joint health, reducing stress, anti-inflammatory effects, and antioxidant protection.

Fights Bacteria

Some research has shown black seed oil has antimicrobial effects, meaning it can fight off harmful bacteria.

One study found that black seed oil seemed to stop or slow the activity of certain Gram-positive bacteria, which can cause infections.

It also seemed to be effective against multi-drug resistant bacteria, such as MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria tend to be hard to treat because they have developed an immunity to some antibiotics and treatments.

High in Antioxidants

Black seed oil has antioxidant effects, largely due to a phytochemical in the oil called thymoquinone.

Thymoquinone is an antioxidant that can fight free radicals, which are unstable molecules in the body that can damage the DNA in your cells. Over time, that damage can increase your chances of developing certain diseases, including cancer.

Thymoquinone has been studied for its potential in helping to treat cancer and other diseases.

Improves Allergy Symptoms

Some research has shown black seed oil can help relieve certain allergy symptoms. 

One small study found that people who applied a topical black seed oil preparation for six weeks experienced some relief from their allergic rhinitis (hay fever) symptoms, like sneezing; an itchy or runny nose; and itchy, watery eyes.  

The black seed oil seemed to be most effective for people with mild symptoms, so the benefit may vary depending on the severity of your allergies.

More research is needed to determine how effective it would be in the long term and how it compares to traditional allergy medication.

May Improve Lung Function

Some research has also shown that one of the chemical compounds the plant produces,   thymoquinone, can fight inflammation.7

This can be particularly beneficial for conditions involving inflammation in the lungs, such as asthma. Asthma is a condition in which the airways inside the lungs become inflamed, making breathing difficult. A review of multiple studies found that it seems to help relieve the symptoms of asthma. However, many of the clinical studies are small, which suggests that more research is needed.

Another study found that a black seed oil supplement significantly improved lung function and decreased inflammation in people with another type of lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). Those results suggest that it could become an additional therapy for people with this type of inflammation.

Provides an Antifungal Effect

Research also suggests that black seed oil has antifungal properties, meaning it can slow or stop the growth of fungi organisms. This can become beneficial when treating a fungal infection in the body. Some research has shown it may even be as effective as the commonly used antifungal medication Ambisome (amphotericin B).

May Help With Weight Loss

Some research suggests taking black seed oil may increase weight loss. 

One review of multiple studies found that people who took a black seed supplement lost, on average, more weight than a group of people taking a placebo. Black seed is believed to suppress the appetite. 

Improves Acne and Other Skin Conditions

Due to black seed’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, the ingredient may also improve certain skin conditions and the appearance of skin, hair, and nails. 

Some research suggests black seed oil can be used to treat acne as well as psoriasis and hyperpigmentation. It may also be used to help heal small wounds.

Other research found that using a topical preparation containing black seeds seems to help treat hand eczema.

It may also help to hydrate your hair and nails when directly applied.

May Lower Blood Pressure

Taking black seed in a powder or oil form may help slightly reduce blood pressure. Most research has shown the improvement in blood pressure is fairly small, ranging from a 2mmHg to a 11 mmHG drop in systolic and diastolic levels. There is not yet enough research to determine if black seed could help people with hypertension, or high blood pressure.

May Help with Diabetes

Some research has shown black seed may help manage diabetes and other metabolic conditions like hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) by reducing blood sugar levels. This may be due to black seed’s ability to reduce oxidative stress as an antioxidant, which could increase the production and activity of insulin. Insulin regulates the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood.

However, more research is needed to confirm this benefit. 

How to Take Black Seed Oil : Black Seed Oil 3000mg

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